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Gym Magic has opened registration for 

Full year Programs, Winter Rec classes, PA Days, March Break and Birthday Parties

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Gym Magic provides quality year-round programs for all ages and levels of gymnastics. Operated by national athletes and coaches at the international level from Romania for many years, Mela & Mihai Gurlui are accredited as Certified Level Three Coaches in Canada.

Gym Magic Gymnastics Club Inc. is a member of the Ontario Federation and is proud to offer an experienced NCCP certified coaching staff for both Recreational and Competitive programs.

Mela was an Olympic Team Member from 1983 to 1987 and part of the Romanian Team from 1983 to 1987. She placed in the top 3 in many international competitions held in Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Russia, Argentina, China, Indonesia & Spain.


Graduates of the Romanian National Coaching School in Bucharest

Certified Level Three Woman's Coaches

Risk Management Certified

First Aid Certified

Coaching Experience

Ontario Team Coach at Eastern Canadian Championships in 2005

Ontario Novice Team Coach at the Canadian Championships in 1997

Choreography Awards for Floor and Beam Routines (all levels)

Directors of Competitive Artistic Program, Pre-comp, Provincial and National Levels

Club Coach for the development of all levels ranging from recreational to national level athletes

Club Coach of Junior National Team in Romania


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